Saturday, March 23, 2013


Another bib for my collection

So the other day I rambled on about how slow I am. Today can we talk about how FAST I am? I so rock! Can you do the happy dance and type? Just how embarrassed are my children going to be when all I can say to everyone for the next 48 hours is. “I PR’d this weekend” “I killed my run” “I shaved 2 minutes off my time”

If you couldn’t tell I killed my 5k today, shaving 2 minutes off my personal record. Which means I finally ran UNDER 40 minutes. Now I do realize by Olympic standards I am still slow. But by my standard, I am AWESOME!!

I know that I will be riding a high on this for the rest of the weekend. Maybe I won’t tell everyone I see. But I will post it and blog about it. And if anyone asks what I did this weekend, I say fair game.

Recovery yum!
I did something I have never done before. I exceeded my limits. I say that is worth bragging about. I know my bib must come off. But is it bad form to stay in my tights and skirt? What is the etiquette for running gear in public when the race is over?


  1. Well done! It makes it all worthwhile when you start to go a bit faster doesn't it? :)

  2. It does! I get so goofy and childlike about it. Beats any work success hands down.

  3. Hi there, I have nominated you for the Liebster award because I love your blog. All details are here:

    I hope all is well with you, I look forward to reading your posts again soon.x
