The power of Thank You!
I have been quiet for a while, my family needed my
attention. Doesn’t mean I am not just as committed to running and raising money
for Stand Up 2 Cancer, just needed to take a brief detour. But I learned a big
lesson during this time, brought sharply into focus just this week. The power
of “thank you”.
Last weekend Gill participated in the first ever Unified
Track meet with Special Olympics and Alaska State High School sports. His
acceptance as part of the team and opportunity to participate at the state
level has given him such a boost of confidence and level of self-acceptance,
put a spark back in him. I was so grateful for the positive impact of this
experience. Gill hadn’t spoken words of self-loathing or desire for suicide in
weeks. I know preparing for state competition had a lot to do with that. It was
I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for the change I saw in
him. I needed to let those who made this possible for him know how much I
appreciate their gift to my son. I wrote an email. One I sent to the head coach
of his track team, the other coaches didn’t have emails posted on the team
website. Another email I sent to the local rep for Special Olympics. I told
them just how grateful I am for the opportunity.
I typed the emails pouring all of my gratitude and
appreciation into them. I gave a little bit of Gill’s story, his journey
getting to that point. The pain of bullying, desire for death, feeling of not
belonging. Not all the gory details, but just enough so they could understand
why I was so grateful. I sent the emails off never imagining what would happen

I also got a call from the principal at my son’s school, he
had somehow gotten a copy of the email I sent to the coaches. He wanted my permission
to share my email with the Superintendent and School Board. To support these
amazing coaches and promote more inclusion programs… again I said yes.
Friday afternoon I got a call, from Tim Shriver. He wanted
to thank me for my letter and tell me of the impact it had. He had passed it on
to others within Special Olympics International. It had made an impact as far
away as India, inspiring more work and dedication even that far away. He
forwarded an email from another person who had just lost a friend to suicide.
It had helped them.
I sent a thank you, just wishing to express my gratitude to
those who had made a positive impact on my family. Somehow my simple expression
of gratefulness and gratitude became so much bigger. Rippled out beyond my tiny
email, inspiring and impacting others. These people are thanking me, for
thanking them. I have been asked to speak at an event for Special Olympics next
month, I am not sure I understand how all that happened.
But I have learned the power of thank you. I learned that
thanking someone helps them know when they are on the right track, making a
difference. Can give them strength to carry on when things seem tough. Tomorrow
say thank you to someone, a deep heartfelt thank you. It doesn’t matter who or what it is for, just
stop completely and say thank you. We take each other for granted so often,
when we are appreciated it can change our whole outlook.